Facts About the Spinning Wheel...
A spinning wheel is a machine used to turn fiber into yarn. The yarn is then woven as cloth on a loom or it can be used to knit or crochet.
We've compiled a list of facts about the spinning wheel...
• Some evidence suggest the spinning wheel was invented in India, between 500 and 1000 A.D.
• Numerous styles of spinning wheels have developed over the centuries - Saxony Wheel, Great Wheel, Castle Wheel and the Norwegian Wheel.
• Spinning wheels are commonly made of wood. However, they can also be constructed from metal.
• The spinning wheel is a powerful political symbol in South Asia - spinning was seen as a political and and economic activity that could bring together the diverse population.
• Spinning wheels are depicted in many art and literature forms, including fairytales such as Rumplestiltskin and Sleeping Beauty.
• In the 18th-century the improvement of the loom in Great Britain created a yarn shortage resulting in a demand for mechanical spinning.
• Spinning wheels have been superseded by modern machines and technology, however they are still used by hobbyists who like to spin their own yarn.
Below is a few photos and a video of Jay (The Crafty Maniac) hand spinning some of our North County Cheviot roving in the Woolmill garden. The North County Cheviot wool was sourced from Dalrachie Farm, located just 12 miles from the Woolmill!
We are looking forward to welcoming Jay back to the Woolmill for more hand spinning! Keep a lookout on our events page for dates.